just published and available from CB editions
at the Plocka Galeria Sztuki, Sept 12th to Sept 30th.
Some pictures from the opening are visible here at the gallery’s facebook page.
Man + Doctor
23rd July : gallery of images from the book appeared in the guardian
Most of these images were drawn in the bed of a London hospital… They tell the wordless story of encounters with doctors, starting from the patient’s attempts to avoid the scalpel and then, once surgery becomes inevitable, watching himself learn to cope with days and weeks spent in hospital beds. The fears, boredoms and uncertainties are portrayed with heart-felt self-parody and a stark frankness. The patient is also the man, looking at himself from inside and out, laughing at himself, and even laughing at himself laughing at himself. ‘Nowhere outside the theatre of man+doctor do such concentrated dramas have so short a run, nor the views from each end of the opera glasses appear so different.’
Order through Dalkey Archive Press and also available at Amazon
Now available from Amazon: USA and UK
Available from the guardian bookshop.
postcards 3
Some of these cards are available for purchase in the shop
1 the artist and his model
2 quilt
3 the status crow
4 chord
5 'I know you're there'
6 'our heads are round to allow thought to change direction' (Francis Picabia)
7 songs my mother taught me
8 Dali and Bunuel - 'their eyes met across a clouded moon'
9 soliloquy
10 man hurdling at home
11 man + world
12 'Outside of a dog there's nothing like a good book. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read' (Groucho)
more postcards
Some of these postcards may be available in the shop

1. too many bright stars 2. snow sheep
3. christmas cow 4. pantomime
5. christmas is not just for a dog 6. snow owl
7. 'your baggage, ma'am' 8. new leaf
9. mind the gap 10. clock-wise
11. forecast 12. exit
13. beckett 14. humps
15. truth & reconciliation 16. jokers
17. mightier 18. funeral of drawing
19. two men remembering 20. three yellow flowers
21. winged 22. stamps, please
23. archipelago 24. man on ledge
25. Hotel Neptune, Valencia
Some of these postcards may be available in the shop

1. artist and shadow 2. artist as a young man
3. baguettes 4. balance
5. bayeux patisserie 6. bateaux livres
7. big man dancing 8. bookseller
9. chairmen 10. cup of coffee
11. throw of the dice 12. drawing
13. l'esprit de l'escalier 14. fast food
15. hindsight 16. homme du siecle
17. librarian 18. a life in the day
19. man + buckets 20. man + doctor
21. man + mind 22. man + moon
23. man + plane 24. man + words
25. memory 26. men singing
27. men watching 28. Orpheus
29. pills 30. pushing
31. Q-attack 32. rescue
33. shadow 34. snails
35. stretch 36. tango
37. tickets 38. UBU as a young man
39. man+dog in the wind 40. white square
41. wine lover
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